Kiss Me, I'm Irish Page 10
It was all the encouragement he needed. Connal kissed her with passionate fervor. Then he found he couldn't stop. He kissed her again.
When Margaret unbuttoned his tuxedo coat and slipped it over his arms Connal stepped back. “Maggie love, here and now?"
Margaret was shedding her bouffant dress. “Do you know a better time and place?"
He didn't. Connal divested himself of every stitch he wore before pushing Margaret's nude body against the wall. After a bout of passionate exploration he rammed his hard rock penis deep into her vagina and shivered with delight. The world was a sea of shimmering dancing lights. His entire being was burning with need and desire. In a matter of moments he climaxed but not before he felt Margaret's orgasm clench around his penis. That occasion sent him soaring to the stars.
As they came back to earth, Connal pulled himself from Margaret and kissed the side of her moist mouth. “Get dressed. We're still getting out of here."
To his total amazement she answered, “Yes Connal."
So he had gambled and won. He was elated and at the same time a little frightened. It could have easily gone the other way and he could have lost everything.
Margaret looked a mess. Her hair was awry and her dress was mussed. He kissed her again. “I love you, Maggie, with all my heart."
They were married two week later in a simple ceremony in Connal's parent's living room.
Eight months and two weeks after that Margaret delivered a third child, a second son. They named him Ryan Patrick Cassidy after the saint on whose birthday he was conceived. Never mind that Patrick was also Margaret's deceased first husband's name. The past could not be allowed to intrude into the present or to trouble the future.
A note in passing, Margaret found that silly kiss me, I'm Irish button in Connal's tuxedo coat pocket some months after their marriage. She quietly slipped it into her box of mementos. It was a treasure she would keep forever and one her husband would never wear again, she would see to that.
The End
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