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Kiss Me, I'm Irish Page 8
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Page 8
"My sister is out in Connal Cassidy's Ferrari speeding around chasing after Flynn Taylor.” He crammed the last crust of his sandwich into his mouth. “I think we should both be worried."
Margaret jumped to her feet. “Maybe we should go looking for her."
Todd laughed derisively. “Don't tell me that you're going to ride with me on my Harley."
Margaret wasn't about to get on that motorized monstrosity. It was bad enough that she had to worry about Todd cruising around on the damn thing. “First let me call around and see if I can locate her.” She remembered that her cell phone was in her bedroom along with the other spilled contents of her handbag. A frightening thought impinged. That damning CD was also in the bedroom somewhere. Where had she put it? She couldn't remember. She told Todd, “You stay right here. I'll find my phone and be with you in a moment."
Todd agreed, “Okay. Then he shrugged before adding, “You sure are acting funny today."
Margaret raced to her bedroom. She found the CD where she'd left it on the bed. She put it in her top dresser drawer before rescuing her phone, scooping the remaining contents of her handbag back into its confides, closing it, pitching it on her unmade bed and racing back to the kitchen.
Todd was still sitting in his chair. “Man, you are upset."
Winded and panting, Margaret sat in the chair across from her stepson. “What is Flynn Taylor's telephone number?"
Todd shrugged. “How would I know?"
Margaret's nerves were like frayed electric wires. “Go look it up."
Todd rose reluctantly. “Why me Lord?” He was making his hesitant way to the living room when a car pulled into the driveway and stopped.
Margaret jumped to her feet and raced around him. “That must be Felicia."
As she bounded into the living room Felicia burst through the front door. Her hair was tousled, her make up smeared and her clothes looked as if she'd slept in them for a week “Oh, Margaret, guess what?"
Instinctively Margaret knew that she'd better be sitting down when she heard this. She perched on the edge of a straight chair. “Felicia, where the hell have you been?"
Felicia's eyes rounded in innocent surprise. “I've been with Flynn."
Todd came from the kitchen and stopped just inside the door. “Holy Toledo Felicia, you look like death warmed over."
Felicia came across the room and gave Todd a quick hug. “Nothing you say can upset me now. I've just had the most wonderful afternoon of my life."
Margaret drew a deep breath. “Felicia what have you done?"
Felicia dropped into a chair and crossed her arms to hug herself. “What I should have done a long time ago."
A fist of foreboding grabbed Margaret's throat. “Oh my God, you slept with Flynn Taylor.” She was set to reprimand her step daughter severely when she remembered how she'd spent her afternoon. She did manage to choke out, “I hoped you practiced safe sex."
Felicia hadn't heard a word she'd said. “We're going to be married."
Margaret's heart fell to her stomach. Her step daughter was headed down the same road she'd taken as a teenager and there wasn't damn thing she could do that would turn her around. She could only hope that Felicia had not further complicated matters by becoming pregnant.
Chapter Ten
Connal walked out the front door of the hospital just as the first rays of a late March sun splayed across the eastern horizon. He was bone weary and his mind was a hodge-podge of disoriented thoughts. Through the long night he'd sat beside his semi-conscious, heavily sedated father's hospital bed. As the older man clung desperately to Connal's hand he repeatedly begged for his son's forgiveness for a string of offenses that dated back to Connal's early childhood. Some were imagined but some where very real. With each new outburst Connal assured his father that all was forgiven. To see the man he had always considered invincible so weak and vulnerable had shaken Connal more than he cared to admit.
As the first light of a gray dawn had crept into the sterile room his father had stirred from a restless sleep and said, “I would never show that CD to a living soul. I only made it because I needed it for leverage for my deal with Margaret O'Neal."
That statement made no sense to Connal but then neither had half the other disjointed declarations his father had made through the night. “I understand Dad, it's all right."
C.J replied as he drifted once again into a troubled sleep. “I couldn't depart this world having you think I'd do such a thing to you. Now I can die in peace."
Connal gave his father a gentle shake. “Dad, you are not going to die."
C.J. opened his eyes. “Yes I am. God is punishing me for my wicked ways."
Tears gathered in Connal's eyes. He said with much more conviction than he felt, “If I can forgive you so can God."
C. J.'s breath rattled in his throat as he mouthed some inaudible reply.
Dad, please, please...” The appearance of a doctor followed by a male nurse in a white coat halted Connal's pleading.
The doctor shook Connal's hand and introduced himself as Doctor Riley before moving to stand at the foot of C.J.'s bed. “Your father is fortunate. He should make a complete recovery but it will be sometime before he gets his strength back and then he must change his lifestyle if he doesn't want another attack."
"Thank God.” Relief made Connal weak. “But getting Dad to change the habits of a lifetime may be easier said than done."
The doctor nodded as he smiled. “I understand. We can discuss that later. Now why don't you go home and get some rest?” He motioned for the nurse who stood near the door. “Let's get Mister Cassidy ready to go."
"Go where?” Connal was on his feet immediately. “Ready for what, where are you taking my father?"
"It's nothing to get excited about.” Doctor Riley laid his hand on Connal's shoulder. “We're going to run a battery of very routine tests.” Dropping his hand he stepped back. “You have nothing to worry about. Your father is going to recover but you may not if you don't go home and get some rest."
Connal shook his head. “I think I'll stick around."
"Doctor Riley glanced around the room. “Where is your mother?"
"I sent her home hours ago,” Connal replied as he stepped back to give the nurse room.
"Fine, now you can go home and give her the good news. I'm sure she must be very anxious by now."
Reluctantly Connal agreed. “I'm sure she is. I'll do that."
As he stepped from the curb the blast of a car horn brought Connal back to the present. He jumped backward as a burley man hung out his car window and shouted, “Hey buddy, watch where you're going."
Connal saluted as he walked behind the car and looked around the huge lot trying to recall where he'd parked his Ferrari. Then he remembered that he was in Margaret's car. He located the sleek Buick, got in and started the motor. He'd go home, tell his mother the good news and get some rest. Then he'd take Margaret her car. As tired as he was the thought of seeing Margaret again filled him his mind with erotic thoughts and sent a tingle of desire stirring through his blood.
Connal found his mother sitting on the couch and sipping coffee from an oversized cup. He quickly gave her the good news. “Dad is going to recover completely."
Eve breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness.” She took a quick sip of coffee. “I was so worried."
"You can stop worrying now and get to bed.” Connal sat beside his mother. “That's where you should have been hours ago."
Eva offered her son the half filled cup of coffee. As he took a deep drink she asked, “Does C.J. know he's going to be all right?"
Connal gave her back the cup. “I'm sure he does. Dad thinks he's invincible."
Eve shook her head in sad negation. “Not anymore. Last night on the way to the hospital he told me that he thought he was going to die."
"He told me the same thing this morning.” Still, Connal was skeptical. “I doubt that he really believes it."
Eva put her cup
on the table near the couch. “Oh, but he does.” She paused as if debating with herself before asking, “Did C.J. talk to you last night?"
Connal frowned. “He talked to me all night long but he was so heavily sedated that nothing he said made any sense."
Eve cocked an eyebrow. “Was he asking you to forgive him?"
Remembering made Connal sigh. “As a matter of fact he was."
Eve asked guardedly, “For anything in particular?"
"No,” Connal suddenly remembered, “Yes, early this morning he said something about a CD and a deal he'd made with Margaret O'Neal."
Eva chewed her thumbnail before saying, “Oh dear."
Connal was quick to assure his mother, “It's all right, Mother, whatever shenanigan Dad tried to pull didn't work. Margaret and I are together again and this time it's for good."
Eva wasn't convinced. “What makes you so sure?"
His assurance rested on events that Connal didn't feel comfortable discussing with his mother. A smile of reminiscence touched his lips. “Take my word for it Mother. I have it on the best authority available that Margaret and I are a couple again.” And what a couple, he thought as scenes from yesterday afternoon's sexual romp played through his head.
Once again Eva seemed to be debating with herself. After a long moment of chewing hr bottom lip, she asked, “How much do you know about C.J.'s ‘deal’ with Margaret?"
Weariness was seeping into Connal's bones. “Nothing concrete but I know C.J. and how he operates.” He rested his head against the back of the couch and stared at the ceiling. “C.J. lied when he told me that he has no video tapes of Margaret and me engaging in some.... “His voice trailed away as he turned his head to stare at his mother. “Am I right so far?"
Eva met his steady stare. “Not exactly, C.J. did destroy the tapes but he put their contents on a DVD before he burned them to bits in the fireplace."
"The old reprobate, then he went to Margaret and threatened to publish the DVD abroad if she didn't stop seeing me.” Connal's derogatory remark was delivered in an affectionate tone. Thank God Margaret had called his bluff. “Am I right?"
Eva was chewing her thumbnail again. “Yes, but only partly."
Connal's weariness was swallowed up I apprehension. “What part did I get wrong?"
Eva looked away. “You know how your father is."
Sitting up straight, Connal turned to stare at his mother. “Obviously I don't know enough. Suppose you fill me in."
Eva laid her hand on Connal's arm. “You've been in love with Margaret for years. That's why.... “Her voice trailed away on the end of a long sigh.
The strain of a sleepless night was telling on him. Connal realized quite suddenly just how spent he really was, not only physically but emotionally. Leaning over he kissed his her cheek. “I love you too."
Tears spilled from Eva's eyes and coursed down her cheek. “That's the sweetest thing you ever said to me.” She wiped them away with her hand. “That's why it's so hard to tell you...."
A lump rose in Connal's throat. He was turning into a sentimental slob, kissing his mother and telling her that he loved her. “Tell me what, Mother?"
Eva straightened her shoulders. “I have to tell you about C.J.'s deal with Margaret.” Wiping her nose with her thumb and forefinger, she wailed, “Oh dear, oh dear."
Tension tightened in Connal's stomach. “Say it, Mother."
"It's just that C.J wanted you to come home and stay. He thought he was doing the right thing."
Connal's Irish temper flared. “What the hell did he do?"
The words tumbled from Eva's mouth. “He made a deal with Margaret, “Oh dear."
"What kind of deal Mother? Tell me for heaven's sake."
Eva drew a long breath. “He told Margaret he'd give her the DVD if she'd help him keep you here in Summerville until he could persuade to stay permanently."
Coldness moved in around Connal's heart. “And did she agree?"
Eva shrugged. “According to C.J. she did."
"And just how was she supposed to accomplish that feat?” Even as he spoke those words he recognized that he really didn't want to know.
A blush spread across Eva's wrinkled face. Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I can't say what C.J. said, it's not decent."
Connal vaulted to his feet. Staring down at his mother he demanded, “Tell me, damn it!"
Eva twisted her hands together. “She agreed to ‘entertain’ you and keep you occupied until C.J could find a way to keep you here permanently."
Suddenly so many things began to fall into place. Until yesterday afternoon Margaret had been distant, even cold. Why all of a sudden should she invite him into her bed and make passionate love to him? “She agreed to have sex with me to keep me here.” Those words were a knife through his heart.
"C.J. said she agreed to fuck you until your nose bled."
Hearing such vulgar words coming from his mother's mouth was shock enough to cause Connal to sit back down beside her. “She made love to me and she didn't mean a word she said or a thing she did."
Eva grimaced. “Maybe she did."
Connal was not about to believe that. Standing he rubbed his hand across the back of his neck. “I'll be back soon. Will you make me some breakfast?” He turned to go.
Standing, Eva pulled him around to face her. “Connal, darling, don't act hastily. Think about this a while before you do something you might regret later."
Gently, Connal took her hand from his arm. “What's to think about?” He turned and hurried through the door with out looking back.
He drove the short distance to Margaret's house in record time. With each turn of the wheels the hurt inside him expanded and in proportion to his growing anger. Margaret had betrayed him and played him for a fool. Did she know how deeply she had wounded him? Did she care? A revealing thought wormed its way around his fiery anger. Probably not and he was damned if he'd give the satisfaction of knowing how well she had succeeded in breaking his heart.
He stopped in her driveway beside his Ferrari. By now his fury had died to a cold wrath. He was an actor, he told himself and a damned good one. Pulling the keys from the ignition he got out of the car and headed down the walk. He was about to give the performance of his life.
Connal glanced at his watch as he rang the doorbell. It was a few seconds past six thirty, a little early but what the hell? What he had to say to Margaret O'Neil wouldn't keep. He rang the doorbell again and waited; still no response. Impatience made his bang his fist against the wall several times. The subsequent sound of scurrying feet told him at last he'd aroused someone. He tapped his foot in annoyance as he waited.
Margaret opened the door a few inches and peered around at him. She was barefoot and wearing nothing but a clinging night gown that revealed more than it concealed. Flinging the door open, she cried, “Connal?” Her eyes rounded. “Oh my God, something's happened to C.J."
Connal got a tighter grip on his emotions. He smiled as he pushed around her and came into the warm dark living room. “C.J. is fine."
"You came for your car. The keys are in the kitchen. Come on in. I'll make some coffee.” Her hips moved seductively beneath the flimsy material of her gown as she walked away. Pausing in the entranceway, she looked over her shoulder and smiled. “Be quiet, Todd's still asleep.
Reflexively, Connal asked, “Shouldn't he be getting ready to go to school?"
"This week is spring break,” Margaret said as she moved once more toward the kitchen.
Connal followed her. “Where is Felicia?"
"She's with Flynn.” Margaret pointed to the table. “Sit down and I'll tell you all about it and then you can tell me about C. J."
Maybe Margaret should be a soap opera star. She was quite an actress. Connal pulled out a chair and sat down. “So Flynn and Felicia settled their differences?"
Margaret moved about the kitchen. “Yes, thanks to your advice.” She turned to favor him with another smile. “Felicia says
she should have been honest with Flynn from the beginning.” With her back to him she measured coffee into the pot. “I told her that in any relationship honesty is always the best policy."
What a hypocrite she was. He doubted she knew the meaning of the word honesty. “I don't know, there are times when a little dishonesty is called for, don't you think?” He was giving her the perfect opportunity to confess.
Margaret plugged in the coffee pot before turning once more to face him. “No, I don't.” She leaned against the counter and folded her arms across her breasts. “Do you?” Her eyes narrowed. “Something is troubling you."
He was more troubled than she would ever know. She had no intention of confessing. He shrugged. “I'm not really troubled and I hope you won't be.” He waited for her to respond. When it became evident that she didn't intend to answer, he said in his most off handed manner, “I'm going back to LA tomorrow."
The color drained from Margaret's face. “Will you be gone long?"
Connal's heart was breaking, “Indefinitely."
Margaret reached for his car keys that were hanging on a hook behind her. “At least you had the guts to tell me you were leaving this time. Goodbye, Connal, have a nice life.” She pitched the keys in his direction. They fell on the floor beside him. Bending he scooped them into his hand before standing and heading for the door.
Chapter Eleven
Margaret watched as Connal's broad back disappeared through the opening. He had walked out on her again. In her heart she'd always known that sooner or later he would. What she hadn't anticipated was how devastated she'd feel when he went.
Pulling a chair from the table she sat down and put her elbows on its cool surface. Obviously their little bout of sex-in-the-afternoon hadn't lived up to his expectations. The tears she'd been so sure she wouldn't shed flooded her eyes and distorted her vision. What a fool she had been to think she could compete with all the attractive and exciting women Connal had known since they had parted eighteen years ago.
She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. It was better this way. They would never have made it anyway. Even if she could have successfully competed with all of Connal's glamorous conquests she would never have been able to cope with two former wives who were still very much a part of his life.